Reiki is a system of natural healing. It works very well alongside conventional medicine and other healing modalities. It goes to the deeper levels of consciousness, where ill health and imbalance has it's roots.
You are fully clothed during a Reiki session, either laying on a treatment table, or sitting on a chair, sessions are bespoke for your comfort. The Reiki energy flows through me, to you, activating your body's natural ability to heal itself. The energy will travel to where it is needed. Reiki promotes balance, harmony and general well being, whilst cleansing the body of toxins. The energy can flow right to the source of the problem and not just the manifesting symptoms. It works on the body's energy centres and major organs, every cell of the body benefits. It can remove blocks and bring in great opportunities for personal growth. Reiki is extremely helpful during times of bereavement, divorce and depression. It is of great benefit to babies in the womb and mums who may suffer from post natal depression. Reiki also helps new born babies to settle into life outside the womb. Animals soak up the energy, in a "bliss like" state.
My sessions are highly intuitive and further guidance comes through as well. I can also incorporate advanced techniques to enhance and deepen your experience. Reiki can restore wholeness and health, release negative emotional states, reduce stress and realign natural balance. My sessions are empowering and I also offer tools to support you through life's challenges.
The sessions are normally one hour, we will chat, before and after the session. All information is totally confidential.
Teaching Reiki
Teaching is a huge passion of mine. To share knowledge that can be used for the highest good of all is a very special gift to me.
My Reiki journey so far, has spanned three decades. It certainly has given me the opportunities to grow, expand and go through some very deep experiences.
It would be my pleasure to attune you to the First and Second Degrees of the Usui System of Reiki. Followed by the Reiki Masters/Teachers Degree.
On becoming a Reiki Master, I would also attune you the level of Seichim Master, as my Reiki Master did for me.
Master energy work
Have you ever been somewhere and felt really uncomfortable, but couldn't place why ? Well, chances are that you've picked up on the energy held there.
Residual energy stored in the land, buildings, or objects, can be very strong. This energy can have been imprinted thousands of years ago and has remained stuck until the present day.
When I do energy work to shift heavier energy, I will be shown the events that occurred at the site, so that I can understand how to carry out my work. For me, it is essential to work on sometimes, many layers, before the energy can be released and everyone who was effected by the circumstances, can be healed too.
I work with great reverence and respect and am amazed and humbled with every single experience.
When I travel, I always have to do some level of work. Just when I think I can relax, I'm given a mission to complete with the energy at that location !
I have been fortunate to work at some incredibly interesting sites like : The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Kensington Palace, New York City and Mount Vesuvius, to name but a few.
I am available to travel anywhere that my passport will take me, to work in person, or alternatively, can do remote site work also.
Sometimes, people like to have their land, houses,or commercial buildings, blessed, with beautiful, light and higher energy, that is appropriate at that time. This work is amazing and the shifts are instantly palpable. It also works very well with selling properties.
Intuitive guidance sessions and spiritual development
One to one Intuitive Guidance can be incredibly transformative, giving you specific insights and advice, on how to deal with any area of your life, that may need some extra support or assistance.
Any situation can be worked on, in a safe space of non judgement and deep compassion.
Spiritual Development sessions will be specific to you and your needs
All sessions are completely confidential.
I can see you in person, or we can connect via links like Facebook Messenger etc..
Spirit Release
The subject of Spirit Release is vast. For the most part, the work involves a spirit, who is "stuck" in a home, building, or area of land. Sometimes, they are quite confused and make their presence known to whoever is around and can sense them. This is where I come in. I can communicate with them and find out how I can help them. In many cases, it will be assisting them with moving into the "light" and fully passing over, if, that is appropriate for them at this time. I will always show the utmost respect and work with great compassion.
I can also help with Spirit Attachments too, which is a more complicated area of work.
So, when I visit anyone, I may be called to do some impromptu Spirit Release work for them too ! Sometimes, people are blissfully unaware that they've been sharing their house with an unseen guest !
I can work on site, or do remote work too.
Again, this can be very helpful with house sales.